Witness Trees at Hanford Townsite
Witness Trees at Hanford Townsite

Hanford High School is the only standing remnant of the town of Hanford, forcibly evacuated by eminent domain in 1943 to create the Hanford Engineer Works, known today as the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Two cleared trees were dragged with cables and left to desiccate. One remains standing.

Agricultural Contours at White Bluffs
Agricultural Contours at White Bluffs

Eighty year old mounds and weirs are all that remain of irrigatable fields and orchards near the White Bluffs townsite.

White Bluffs Bank, Restored
White Bluffs Bank, Restored

White Bluffs Bank after completed restoration.

Witness Trees at White Bluffs
Witness Trees at White Bluffs

Seen through the window of the restored White Bluffs Bank, these dead, standing trees line the streets of the former town.

White Bluffs 240502-05m.jpg
White Bluffs 240502-01m Pan.jpg
Allard 240502-01m.jpg
Bruggemann Ranch Sidewalk
Bruggemann Ranch Sidewalk
Bruggemann 240502-02m.jpg
Bruggemann 240502-04m Ortho.jpg
Hanford 240502-01m.jpg
White Bluffs 240502-03m Ortho.jpg
Wind Sock Mast at Abandoned Airfield
Wind Sock Mast at Abandoned Airfield
B Reactor Train 240503-01m.jpg
Witness Trees at Hanford Townsite
Agricultural Contours at White Bluffs
White Bluffs Bank, Restored
Witness Trees at White Bluffs
White Bluffs 240502-05m.jpg
White Bluffs 240502-01m Pan.jpg
Allard 240502-01m.jpg
Bruggemann Ranch Sidewalk
Bruggemann 240502-02m.jpg
Bruggemann 240502-04m Ortho.jpg
Hanford 240502-01m.jpg
White Bluffs 240502-03m Ortho.jpg
Wind Sock Mast at Abandoned Airfield
B Reactor Train 240503-01m.jpg
Witness Trees at Hanford Townsite

Hanford High School is the only standing remnant of the town of Hanford, forcibly evacuated by eminent domain in 1943 to create the Hanford Engineer Works, known today as the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. Two cleared trees were dragged with cables and left to desiccate. One remains standing.

Agricultural Contours at White Bluffs

Eighty year old mounds and weirs are all that remain of irrigatable fields and orchards near the White Bluffs townsite.

White Bluffs Bank, Restored

White Bluffs Bank after completed restoration.

Witness Trees at White Bluffs

Seen through the window of the restored White Bluffs Bank, these dead, standing trees line the streets of the former town.

Bruggemann Ranch Sidewalk
Wind Sock Mast at Abandoned Airfield
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